"The shadows of the Tall Watch stretch across the land, touching something, always. It's almost like they were built for it. At least we're the only ones who can take advantage of it, right?"

An old tale, passed down through generation after generation of humans, suggests the Tall Watch was constructed by someone looking to expand their territory through an incredibly powerful and dangerous spell. Of course, this is considered merely a tale now - the Tall Watch may have a suspiciously strategic position, and a strange formation, but no one could possibly wield that kind of power.

If the humans knew more about the Cycle, however, they might realise that the earliest of the Fjölmine could feasibly have had enough magic to perform such a feat, particularly if they sacrificed other mountains to do so - and they might even link this to the missing peak of the mountain in the centre of the north.


These are a spine of mountains forming a rain shadow to the east, with multiple rivers starting near the peaks. The mountains are placed strangely, with a single line going down from the mountainous shelf as though it were drawn that way. Many of the mountains have Fjölmine ruins in them, though most are irreparable - the humans have occupied Spring, however.

Fauna & Flora

Goats are fairly populous here, and some new split-off generations of Galtbjörn seem to be adapting to the mountains. Birds of prey also flourish here, and in turn, there are plenty of small rodents. The mountains have a fair amount of trees, shrubbery and assorted flora, but not as much as the mountains to the north, or those in the southwest; this all appears to be climbing the range gradually, as well, with the peaks being much more sparse.

Very occasionally, although much moreso recently, Fjölmine encroach on the Tall Watch from the mountainous shelf to the north.

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<aside> 📝 Page author: Ellis Devereux
