"The filth above is nothing compared to the filth below."
- Purus Curilt Hunter, on the Ultor and its inhabitants
A great lake to the west of the Amar'Kash, the Ultor is known as the home of the Vattenine.
Spanning many kilometres, the great lake Ultor connects to some of Azlyð's estuaries. Because of the Vattenine who have made their home in the lake, it is covered with a layer of filth that floats up from their home hundreds of metres below on the lake bed which floats out to the ocean beyond.
The Ultor is most well known as being home to the Vattenine and their presence has kept most humans from exploring its depths, however it is believed that there is a vibrant ecosystem within the lake, encompassing multiple species of fish, underwater vegetation and amphibians.
The great lake is a great source of water, however it's undrinkable. It also has a wide variety of fish and edible vegetation.
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