"They're just trees, what's the worst that can happen?"

The Träskine were a plant-like sapient being. They are thought to be the eldest species. Living in the Träsk marsh, the Träskine appeared to have built no permanent structures, living with and of the land as they needed to. It is believed the Träskine were the first farmers, however they did not grow crops, but their next generations as they farmed. Little else is known about the history of the Träskine, but now their feral counter parts add an extra danger to the already treacherous Träsk marsh .

Basic Information


Subjects vary from small, root like creatures to hulking walking trees. The Träskine take on any shape and form of the natural flora of the area they inhabbit. Some are now entirely immobile even.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is thought that once the Träskine would have grown the next generation in fields and nurtured them into maturity. Today however, it is unclear if any more are being made at all. The ferals certainly do not still hold the capacity of knowledge to farm any longer. Being one of the eldest races means they have lost more of their sapience than any of the other lost species.

Ecology and Habitats

The Träsk Marsh is a mostly natural feature, though it is clear that they were expanded by non-natural means. This has lead researchers to believe that the swampy marshes are the only viable place for the Träskine to survive. While this means they are contained for the moment. It also means that making your way into the Träsk marsh is an incredibly dangerous ordeal.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It is believed that the Träskine get their energy and dietry needs from the ground and air like regular plants. Though this does not explain fully why the feral Träskine are so aggressive to living creatures they come across in the Träsk marsh. It is thought that possibly they use corpses as fertiliser to grow stronger still.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is thought that the Träskine see through feeling through vibrations through the ground. As to whether they can communicate with one another is unknown. If they can, it is not through any audible means.

Civilisation and Culture