"Summer is a blessing. Its walls are tall, cold stone to keep out forest fires. The water of its fountains are fresh, the fruits of its gardens mostly safe to eat. Our people will be safe here."

Hidden deep in the forests, the settlement of Summer is built to nestle inside the walls of a much grander and older structure, a citadel of Kaldine making. The course of the Great Walk swings close in seasonal Summer, such that to speak of something being "in Summer" can just as easily refer to geography as the time of year.


Much as the other settlements, Summer's population primarily consists of those who cannot endure travelling with the Great Walk: the young and old, the sick and injured, all will be safe within the citadel walls.


Informal senegarchy: it is commonly held as a belief that since the oldest amongst humans are the wisest, since they have had a long time to make and witness mistakes. Youth may champion innovation, but there is a solidity in the knowledge of the elders, who did not survive so long through dumb luck alone.


Summer is safe within the high walls of a Kaldine citadel, with multiple layers of defensive walls and a keep at the heart. Time, however, has not been kind, and the weakest parts by far are those where the crumbling stone has been rebuilt with wooden palisades. A secondary issue arises from the fact that the inhabitants of Summer do not constitute in any sense a garrison: anything that gets beyond the walls is likely to cause a great deal of disruption and harm before repelled by the pitchforked mob.

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The Kaldine

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